Reaching Israel in the END TIMES!
Messiah of Israel Ministries has launched several discipleship training programs in many locations in Israel. The Evanglistic tool: the book, The Rabbi Who Found Messiah, is leading many to the Written Word of God. Many have been saved. We give all the glory to Yeshua the Messiah. The Kaduri revival is expanding in Israel.
- The Kaduri students and Orthodox Jews discipleship training programs.
- Secular Jews discipleship training programs.
- Arab and all Nations discipleship training programs.
Partner with us so we can continue to operate these discipleship programs and expand with more programs. There is a revival in Israel. We would like to offer you this opportunity of blessing for the salvation of Israel. A designated donation of $200 or more as the Lord leads enables us to continue these discipleship programs and more programs. We are in exciting End Times. Each student receives a beautiful Bible: old and new testament in Hebrew and the language of their requirements, such as English, Russian, Spanish, Ethiopian, Arabic and so on.
We also provide studying material booklets in many languages and much more.

Evangelistic book, The Rabbi Who Found Messiah, is leading the Jews to the Written Word of God The booklet, My Rabbi (Yeshua/Jesus) says, is a powerful discipleship tool with deep Hebraic Roots.

For your $200 designated donation to sponsor a student or more as the Lord leads.
Discipleship Training Programs
Select designated gift amount then click on the Donation Button.