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When the Lion Roars, by Carl Gallups (Top-60 best selling Amazon author) clearly reveals, in powerful evidentiary fashion, that we are indeed living in the most prophetic times since the first coming of Yeshua/Jesus!
Carl Gallups says, “A portion of this book was inspired by the amazing ministry contributions of Messiah Of Israel Ministries, and the direct material contributions of the ministry founder, my dear brother in the Lord, Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat. There is no doubt in my mind that the global outreach of Zev’s ministry organization is figuring directly into several amazing fulfillments of clear last days’ biblical prophecies!”
Foreword by Joseph Farah
Including chapter material and quotes by Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat
Zev is also on featured on the back cover of the book through an endorsement statement.
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